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A swimming pool

Pool Electrical

Congratulations on deciding to put in a pool! Whether it’s an above-ground, on-ground, or inground pool, it’s sure to add hours and hours of enjoyment and fun to your backyard. However, like any home improvement project, there are often hidden expenses that you need to be aware of before going ahead, and it’s easy to forget about things like the electrical system in your home.

Putting in a pool may require you to upgrade your electrical system. Most new homes already have a 200-amp electrical panel, but if your home is a little older, you could have a smaller, 100-amp panel. Only a licensed electrician will be able to tell you for certain if you need an upgrade, but here’s a quick way you can check:

  • Open your panel and check the number of spaces available (where there is no breaker).
  • If there are a few spaces available, your panel can likely handle a pool pump.
  • If there are no spaces available, you may not necessarily need a complete panel or service upgrade, but a licensed electrician may be able to offer a few other options.

Additional pool-related equipment like heaters, lights, and even hot tubs will place a higher demand on the electrical system.

Typical Power Required for Pool Equipment

  • Pump, 10 amps
  • Heat Pump, 30-50 amps
  • Hot Tub, 50 amps

How Much Should I Budget?

There are a lot of variables that go into determining the cost. For upgrading just your panel, plan to spend between $1500-$2000 (this a budget number only – each situation is unique). If you need any new wiring, outlets, subpanels, etc., those will be an additional cost.

Can I Do It Myself?

We recommend hiring a licensed electrician for this one. Even if you are an avid DIYer, this is not a simple job. Working with an electrical panel is very dangerous if you don’t have the proper training. Plus, you’ll need a permit, you will then have to arrange with hydro to turn your power off while you make the switch, and finally, you’ll need an electrical inspection before restoring power. If you’ve done something incorrectly, at best, you may end up calling an electrician anyway; at worst, you can be seriously injured.

Who Should I Call?

Only a licensed electrical contractor is legally allowed to work on the electricity in your home. Do your research and make sure you ask for their ECRA/ESA license number. Find more information at

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